30% OFF Early Bird Pricing Ends in:

The Best Way to

Start & Grow your

Personal Chef Business

In 2 Days with No Commercial Kitchen or Permits

Want The Fastest Way To Start A Personal Chef
Business In Days, Not Months...?

Shorten the time it takes to build the business by avoiding
commercial kitchens or “legal permits”!

Live WORKSHOP Starts On NOVEMBER 14th, 2023

9:00 AM Eastern Time

Deploy the “Chefpreneur Method”
to build a Highly Profitable & Fulfilling
Personal Chef Business

Build a fulfilling business that gives you the ability to cook for who you want, when you
want without the need for any special “permits” or tons of money to get started

Finally, build a Culinary Business
that gives you freedom!

Want to discover the simplest way to shorten your path to success as a Passionate Cook or Chef in days, NOT years?

Do you often find yourself defeated by having to choose between following your Passion and Dreams and “paying” the bills?

If so... your going to LOVE the Chefpreneur 2-Day Virtual Workshop!

Our names ARE Chef Andres & Brock

This is our personal invitation for you to join us for the LIVE Chefpreneur 2-Day Virtual Workshop.

If you answered “YES” to either of the questions above, then we know something about you...

You have the heart of a Chefpreneur and have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You likely have the skills and passion that your dream clients are waiting for, but maybe you’re just feeling stuck on how to get started or actually “do this full-time”.

Join this Virtual Workshop to discover how to build a Personal Chef business the RIGHT way and get consistent leads who are willing to pay more for your services.

30% OFF Early Bird Pricing Ends in:

30% OFF Early Bird Pricing Ends in:

But, a few simple things are holding you back... and
it is probably based on confusion and fear.


Here’s The TRUTH:

What do all of the Chefpreneurs that are killing it as Personal Chefs have in common?

They all have the 3 core foundations.

Clarity on who they serve, a Solid Brand, and a System in place to get consistent leads and book more events.

Not just that, they have all of the pieces of their business working in harmony. From their foundations, their branding, sales systems, marketing, and a process to deliver a world-class experience.

Us, personally? We have done over $3 Million in Personal Chef services. At the beginning some of our strategies worked really well... and others completely bombed.

We’ve been in the Personal Chef game for 10 years, but it took us over 3 years to figure this out.

When I, Chef Andres, started the Personal Chef Business, I used to just wing it and pray to God that we would get business. I tried everything under the sun to “make” the business work. If someone had blood running through their veins, I would take their event…I didn't know how else to do it.

It wasn't until I learned to dial in my Niche and stop trying to cook for everyone that I started creating consistency in the business...

Because I finally got clarity on who I wanted to serve, the whole direction of the business started to shift in the RIGHT direction.

High-quality clients started to pay me top dollar for my services. I’ve even received a tip for over $2,000 from a single client just for doing what I love… cooking and serving people from the heart. 


Being a Chefpreneur gives me the freedom to be
my own boss and actually give me a life I love.
Now, I want to help you do the same…

In Just 2 Days You'll Get The Plan And Steps
To Get Your Business STARTED...

Each Day We Will Coach You On...

Our tried and true method to be your own
boss as a Chefpreneur

Why Join The Workshop?

Becoming A Business Owner In Weeks Vs Years

Challenge your idea of what's possible & skip years of struggle.

How Much Time Will This Take?

2 Day Commitment and Participation

3 hrs per day for 2 days. Accomplish actual results per session.

What Will The Outcome Be?

Implement The System To Become Successful

Level up by making more money in less time as a Chefpreneur.

Who Is This For?

Professional Chefs, Passionate Cooks, & Home Cooks

This workshop will get you started the RIGHT way!

30% OFF Early Bird Pricing Ends in:


Change your Culinary Career Forever

In the course of 2 days, you will discover the fastest and simplest way to start
and grow a personal chef business you possibly didn’t know existed.

(and how Chef Andres and Brock have successfully taught this to
hundreds of other Professional Chefs and Home Cooks)

This LIVE virtual event includes in depth training sessions, resources, and worksheets.


Session 1: Business Set-Up, Licensing, Insurance, and Start-Up Costs

  • Discover the TRUTH behind the actual licenses you need to get legally started.

  • Why traditional ways of starting a Culinary Business like food trucks, restaurants, and catering companies are not the best business models for Chefs to use their passion for business.

  • What you need to protect yourself if sh** hits the fan when you're at your clients home.

  • Understand the true start-up costs for personal chefs, and how it’s less than 2% of other traditional culinary businesses.

Session 2: Business Niche and Target Market (Dream Client Profile)

  • Why most Culinary business ventures fail to gain traction and actually get off the ground.

  • Understand the parts of the business you’re most likely missing that actually make a difference to whether it will be successful or not.

  • Discover what makes you unique and how you can use it to gain an advantage and not only dominate but expand your market.

  • Learn what you must do first to attract your dream clients… and stop chasing down anyone with a pulse for a quick buck!

  • Finally get the clarity you need to build a better business, make better decisions and actually be successful!

Session 3: Service Offerings and Pricing

  • The RIGHT way to create your services that attract the right clients to our business.

  • Why the way most Personal Chefs charge for their services is actually costing them sales.

  • Discover the way to charge for your services that earns you the most money and makes your business super profitable.

  • Learn the 6 rules to follow when pricing your services so you avoid the “time” for money trap.

DAY 2: Branding, Sales, And Marketing

Session 1: Branding and Messaging

  • Poor branding mistakes that attract cheap clients and tarnish your image and reputation.

  • Discover what it takes to create an attractive logo and visual brand that represents who you truly are and what you offer.​

  • Learn brand messaging that is effective, elevates your brand and attracts people who actually value you and your business.

  • Crucial factors to keep in mind before settling on a business name.

  • Get our proven website framework guaranteed to convert more visitors into booked calls. You can even do it yourself with WiX or Squarespace!

Session 2: The Ultimate Sales Process

  • Learn the way to get 90% of the clients that inquire about your services to book you that almost NO personal chefs do.

  • Why sending clients quotes is the “KISS” of death and losing you sales.

  • The psychology behind why clients actually book you and why it is NOT your food or your experience.

  • Discover the 12-Step Customer Journey that allows you to walk your clients down the yellow brick road like a professional and never miss an opportunity.

Session 3: Launching and Marketing your Business

  • Discover how Chef Andres gets CONSISTENT clients without spending any money on advertisement that most personal chefs don’t take advantage of.

  • Why social media posting is NOT the key to building sustainable business.

  • Learn how to “piggyback” on established companies to give you instant credibility so clients trust and book you on the spot.

  • How to use a simple 6-step framework on how to write “marketing” messaging that gets clients to take action.

Early Bird Pricing Ends in:

30% OFF Early Bird Pricing Ends in:

How It Works:

This 2 Day LIVE and Highly Interactive training over zoom will give you the keys to find a never ending stream of clients.

THRIVE Rather Than Survive

Dear Passionate Cook or Chef,

There is no better time than NOW to share your skills, passion, and talent with the world through starting a Personal Chef Business.

Don't feel like you're ready to launch? NO WORRIES... we will show you how you can easily follow a proven system to leverage your passion for food and start a business that you love.

Join Our 2 DAY VIRTUAL WORKSHOP... and learn how to make more money as a personal chef without being a professional chef or working your way up the ladder in the traditional Culinary Industry.

Now more than ever people are looking for personal chefs over the alternative of dining out at restaurants.

According to CNBC, The personal chef business is booming as more consumers choose to eat at home rather than at restaurants.

The United States Personal Chef Association estimates that there are between 5,000 and 6,000 personal chefs working nationwide, but that number is expected to triple in the next year. Personal chefs own their businesses, unlike private chefs, who are employees of a particular household.

Now is the time to tap into the industry growth by using your passion for food to serve others, and work for yourself. To Our Success,

Meet Your Host

Andres hinojosa & brock wagner

  • Over $1.25 Million in Personal Chef Service Sales

  • Consistently Executing 30 To 40 Cook Events Per Month

  • Consistently Generating Over $50K In Sales Per Month

  • Runs A Network Of Over 40 Contracted Chefs

  • Partnered With Major Brands Such As Key Concierge, Opulent Vacation Rentals, Monarch Luxury Villas, Rancho Valencia Resort, And Villas Of Distinction

  • Held Major Chef Roles At Luxury Hotels Such As Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, And Fairmont Hotels

  • Cooked For Celebrities Such As Kevin Eastman, Antonio Gates, Lebron James, Billy Gene, Russell Brunson, And Bryan Dulaney

  • Host Of The Award Winning Podcast, The Chefpreneur Podcast

  • Mentored And Coached Hundreds Of Chefs To Achieve Over $10 Million In Sales

  • Built A Community Of Over 5,000 Passionate Cooks & Chefs Worldwide

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will the Virtual Workshop be held?

The Workshop will be held virtually on Zoom and accessed in the private Chefpreneur Membership Area. You will gain access to our Membership Area with registration.

Are you able to attend the Workshop in-person?

The answer is No, the Workshop is LIVE, but will be held virtually on Zoom and accessed in the private Chefpreneur Membership Area.

Will the sessions be recorded?

The answer is Yes, you can add Recordings + Slides for just $19 at checkout. For general registration, you will only have access to the LIVE sessions. As soon as you purchase your ticket, you'll see an option to add Recordings + Slides for just $19.

Are there any Q & A Sessions for this Virtual Event? 

Yes, but only for the VIP Registrants. Once you’ve registered, you will have an opportunity to upgrade to VIP.

Are there any “refunds” or “guarantees” for the Workshop?

Yes, if you show up LIVE to the sessions and complete all the worksheets and still feel like you did not get the value out of the training, we will happily refund your investment for the general registration. There are NO refunds for the VIP Registration.

Who is this Workshop for?

Passionate Home Cooks, Professional Chefs, Line Cooks, and Culinary Professionals who have a passion for cooking and serving who are wanting to start a Personal Chef business or already have one.

Who is this class NOT for?

People who are looking for information and training on starting a restaurant or food truck. If you are serious about starting a personal chef business and ready to put in the work, you MUST go through the workshop because ALL the recordings disappear on day 3.  If you are not serious about your business and have shiny object syndrome, please don't waste your or our time.


Three "ACTION FOCUSED" Hours per Day

DAY 1: Tuesday, November 14th

9am -12pm Eastern

DAY 2: Wednesday, November 15th

9am -12pm Eastern

Spend 2 Days with Chef Andres and Brock to implement the best way to start and grow your personal chef business! You won’t leave this virtual workshop just feeling good, you’ll leave it with the exact systems that will attract high quality clients that book you.

Listen to what some of our Chefpreneurs have to say about their experience in our trainings...

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